Texture Tuesday

Texture tiistain aika Kimin kahvila blogissa. Tehtävänantona käyttää hänen crackerjack tekstuuria ja näin tehtiin. Tykkään kovasti tästä valokuvasta ihan originaalinakin  mutta se oli tarpeeksi simppeli tähän tekstuurin käyttöön ja tuo teksti piti laittaa koska tänään tuntuu onnelliselta! Ai miksi sepä omituista...no tilattiin eilen kahden viikon matka Amsterdamiin ja se laittaa jalat lentoon taas. Ekaksi piti lähtee Barceloonaan  mut liikaa hankaluuksia ja rouva ei osannut taas päättää mieltään joten Damiin siis. Ei olla aikaisemmin käytykkään ja odotan kovasti sitä. Toivomus olis ettei satais koko kahta viikkoa mut jos sataan sit sataa, what can I do, nada. 

Time to Texture Tuesday and theme was using Kim's Crackerjack texture so here it is. I like the original picture also very much but I tough it was enough simple for this texture (in my opinion) and I used one of Kim's text brush to express my happiness. Why do I feel so happy today, well we ordered two weeks holiday in Amsterdam  and I'm so exited for that. I haven't been in Amsterdam before and this is one dream come true (you know the endless list of places where you want to visit, I suppose everybody has that!)



  1. A fabulous image for texture Tuesday ~ thank you for including the recipe!

  2. Tulen aina onnelliseksi nähdessäni pyykkiä narulla. No, tuo ei ole ihan tavallinen pyykkinaru mutta tuo mieleen tuulessa iloisesti lepattavat pyykit. Kuvassa on ihanat, raikkaanpehmeät värit.

  3. Gorgeous...plus I love the text and frame...it looks so wonderful with the texture...beautiful job.

  4. Looks fantastic, Henrietta! Well done :)

  5. Wonderful layering. Love the composition of the original. V

  6. I agree! What wonderful photo's you create Henrietta, I love visiting your blog. This image is charming and happy, love it :)

  7. As always, fun and very pretty.

  8. I'd be happy too, with such a trip to look forward to.
    Such interesting images, combined to make it even better. And the edges are nice too.

  9. You always create such beautiful images. Love it.

  10. I knew you would come up with some fabulous - and I am not disappointed. Amsterdam - I can only imagine the photos you will take - have a great adventure!

  11. Beautiful texture work.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday in Amsterdam! Sounds like fun.

  12. Great work as always! I love the sentiment expressed so whimsically.

  13. This is great - I love it Henrietta. You'll love Amdsterdam and it's little brown bar/cafes and jumping on the trams and all those bicyles and canal boats with the little gardens on the deck. I remember seeing a multi storey carpark that was just for bicycles! So many good photo opportunities there aswell. My most memorable visit was to Anne Franks house.

    Oh and congratulations on winning Still Life Standouts for August aswell on Courtney's blog.

  14. I LOVE what you did with this Henrietta!
    Truly a work of art.

    Thank you so much for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange.

    Sending you wishes for a wonderful day!


  15. Rosie@leavesnbloom- thanks for congrats I didn't know, have to check it up:) I'm not sure can I go to Anne Franks house at all in Amsterdam. I can't watch any films about those days, it is just too terrible. In the world is enough cruelty now that I really don't want think past cruelty too, my head might explode!

  16. Aah, kahden viikon matka kuullostaa aivan mahtavalta. Nyt vaan tilataan, että matkan aikana sää on mitä parhain matkailusää ja kaikki sujuu kuten sä toivot =)

    Onnellisuus, anna sen tuntua varpassa asti!

  17. Pyykkiä narulla...Ihan niinku olis jalatirtimaasta -tunne :)

  18. I love your "eye" -- you always have the most interesting and unique images, and your texture work is brilliant. Have fun in Amsterdam!!

  19. Really beautiful, before and after the texture!

  20. Was this picture taken in Helsinki? When I was there I saw a street with something really similar. I loved it.
    Great that you are taking out of that list another city. My list is so so so so long...

  21. Your a genius! Great work, nice and clean :) Enjoy your holiday!

  22. Wow, this is awesome! Very creative and different. I love it!

  23. Wonderful whimsical work, Henrietta!

  24. The weathered frame is a very nice touch!

  25. Aiketa- yep it is taken in Helsinki, it is some art peace but I don't know who has made it and I think it has been there the whole summer. I love it , it is very cleaver art and I think this must been done by the women:)

  26. love what you have done here. Enjoy your holiday too

  27. What a wonderfully creative effect and end result. Love this!

  28. Very cool! I love that brush that Kim made. I used it in my photo for next week's challenge.

  29. good advice & great shots & edits

    happy week, Henrietta =)

  30. A great advice and...as usual...a fantastic work with the texture :)
    I can imagine that you are happy to go to Amsterdam. I´ve been there once but thats a loooong time ago.
    We are going to Portugal one more time this year, in the middle of october. But just for one week. I wish we could stay a bit longer but it isn´t possible to get vacation.
    Må så gott!

  31. Looooooove these photos and your message!

  32. Your photos and the textures you apply to them are amazing! I love them all thus far. Keep up the great work.

  33. Very cool and I like how you put it together!

  34. Your textured photo makes me happy, too, Henrietta!!! Just delightful.

  35. Your processing has really made the image shine. I hope you enjoy your stay in Amsterdam, it's on my list of places to visit. One day...

  36. Love these. We don't have anything like that around here. Always love your use of texture. Have a good weekend.

  37. Lovely image you created. Thanks for sharing your steps. And congrats on your upcoming vacation in Amsterdam!

  38. I love this, Henrietta! Love what you did with the textures, too.

    Wishing you a wonderful trip to Amsterdam! Yes, endless places to visit. One of mine is Finland! Not just for the beautiful scenery but because I LOVE Finnish people. Every one I have known has the best sense of humor. :)



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