Texture Tuesday

Texture Tuesdayssa teemana kiitollisuus ja mä olen kiitollinen että saan matkustaan aina silloin tällöin. Edustalla näkyy ihania kukkia asuntolaivan katolla, taustana kukille toimii Westerkerk ja kaupunki on Amsterdam. 
Käytin vaatimuksen mukaiset 2 tekstuuria joiksi valikoitui Kimin Thursday-ja Fall In tekstuurit. Fall In on blendattu multiply 100% ja Thursday multiply 100%, ohjelma Photoshop Elements. Hieman on haastavaa tämä tekeminen pienellä MacBook Airilla sormivaraisesti, en ole oikein tottunut työstämään näitä näin pienellä ruudulla ja sormikosketuksella. Jos olisin kotikoneella oisin tehnyt hieman muita ratkaisuja kuvaan mutta saa nyt kelvata. Reissunpäällä ei jaksa niin hinkata ko kotona:) 
Kahden tunnin aikaero tekee sen että herään jo klo seitsemän, aurinko ei ole edes noussut joten aamusella on hieman aikaa touhuta koneen ääressä ennenko lähtee kohti uusia seikkailuja.

Texture Tuesday theme is gratitude. Today I'm thankful that I'm able to travel time to time. I love seeing new places and towns. Here in Amsterdam is so much to photograph, I could make many books of different things about here. In a picture in front we have lovely flowers on the roof of houseboat and behind you can see the Westerkerk (church). If you don't know here is many many houseboats as here is also canals. This is like northern Europe Venice!
I used Kim's Thursday and Fall In textures and both multiply 100%. It is quite hard using little Macbook Air and working with your fingers as I'm used big screen and Wacom tablet / pen. If I had been home I would do some things different but now I just have go with this.


  1. I love your composition. Looks like a grand building.

  2. What a great photo! And I agree with you, Amsterdam is like the Northern Europe Venice... such beautiful cities both of them!

  3. Superb composition - love the colour of the flowers against the building.

  4. I love the composition and the texture work is just right too!

  5. So beautiful, love the texture :)

  6. Lovely!! The textures render the scene timeless!!

  7. Hello! So beautiful frames and pictures you have on your blog. Very nice.

  8. Harmi etta ilmat muuttuivat vahemman kauniiksi, mutta kunhan ei vaan ala sataa lotkottamaan! Tuntiero Suomeen on muuten 1h. Toivottavasti teitin kellot on saadetty oikein ;-)

    Nautiskelkaa! :-))

    Terveiset tasta melkein naapurista,
    T. Katja

  9. Well it turned out beautifully - great texture work and the perspective is wonderful!

  10. Beautiful capture and use of texture.

  11. There's a TV show on our HGTV channel called House Hunters International and one day they featured a couple looking to buy a houseboat in Amsterdam! I marveled at how this was a way of life for many people. What an interesting way to live. And expensive! I believe the boat they ended up buying was $500,000.00US and they couldn't even stand up in the master bedroom because the ceiling was so low.

    Beautiful texture work on your photo. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Checklist: Trip to Amsterdam!

    This is such a beautiful photo. And I love how it looks like a watercolor. Simply gorgeous.


  13. Wow, what a building! I would love to see it in person!! Just beautiful!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day ♥

  14. wonderful photo and nice texture!

    have a great day!

  15. Great shot! You did a great job in making this photo look really old.

  16. Very very pretty. I love the old church in the background, it sets off the box of soft pink flowers and is just lovely.

  17. I'm looking forward to following along on your travels in Amsterdam. It looks like an awesome place!

  18. Just beautiful, seems like am looking at old times ;0)

  19. Looks like you're rocking the Macbook Air, as well as your camera. The image is gorgeous.

  20. Really love the image and your processing.

  21. That is such a beautiful building.. And of course you texture look wonderful.. Make it look so old!!

    Hugs, Linda

  22. This is magnificent Henrietta!
    Wonderful texture and tones.

  23. Oh my, this is so beautiful. Like all your work.

    Love stopping by!!

  24. Gorgeous!! You'd never know you didn't have your usual tools to perform your texturizing magic...

  25. I love the angle at which you photographed the building. And your texture work did a great job of bringing out its character. Well done!

  26. Beautiful photo! I also love your header! Just popping over to say hi from Communal Global.

  27. I really like your image and the textures (would love to see the "before"). I am also enjoying your blog. Great font choices.


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