Free textures by me

 I think I'm really bored or exited for doing these. I made another texture for you to use free. Here are the examples how they look in Photoshop with different blending modes.
I have now 3 textures for you; 1.kesäpäivä, 2.kanerva, 3. laasti.
You can download them here.

If you want to join in Google+ and need an invitation let me know, I send you I just need your email where to send that.
I think Google+ will be more photographic friendly than Facebook....who knows, that is just what I think.


  1. Laitoin kutsun tuleen. Mä en ole koskaan kokeillut mutta sellainen ilmainen ohjelma kun Gimp netissä ladattavissa jolla on photoshopmaisia ominaisuuksia, näin ovat kertoneet.

  2. I saw your other two textures on G+ and loved them! Can't wait to try them out. So generous of you to share your time and talents. I agree with you also that G+ will be better for photography sharing. :)

  3. Love your shot! My fave is the vivid light photo.

    Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

  4. These are all so good, Henrietta. I will totally be using them. :) Great job!

  5. Beautiful texture work and wonderful textures. Thanks for sharing !!!

  6. Taidokkaasti tehty blogi, ja monipuolinen.Tervetuloa myös mun tois puol jokkee.t. pipsa


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